Author’s Personal Informations

Author of this blog (proper name Vladimír Socha) was born on January 1st, 1982 in the city of Hradec Králové (eastern part of the Czech Republic), and he still lives there. He gained a diploma at the University of Hradec Králové in 2008 (with the title magister, or Mgr.). He currently works as an elementary school teacher of biology and history and lecturer on Hradec Králové Observatory and Planetarium.

His main interests lie in paleontology, biology and history. He’s also particularly interested in athletics (track and field) and technical/scientific history. He popularises paleontology and publishes articles in various czech magazines. He’s also giving lectures on this topic in various institutions, making radio interviews etc. He also published over ten books about dinosaurs (starting with Úžasný svět dinosaurů – „Amazing Wold of Dinosaurs“, Triton, Prague 2009 (cover page below)) and has many other activities.


Hradec Králové on Wikipedia:álové



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